For more information or to apply, please click the link below:
Students applying to Pathways College are required to have proof of high school graduation. However, other requirements may vary by type of program – Degree Programs, Non-Degree Certificate Programs, and Dual Enrollment Programs. See the criteria in the chart below for more information on minimum requirements for admission. For more detailed information, see the Pathways College Catalog.
Applicants to Pathways College must fill out an application online to begin the enrollment process (Click the “Learn More” link above). A College Admissions Coordinator will contact you once the required information/documentation is received. The Admissions Coordinator will contact the applicant to schedule an interview to determine other qualifications specific to the program of interest.
Pathways College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.
The College Board has issued a CEEB/Designated Institution (DI) code for Pathways College. The Code for Pathways College is 7795.

Minimum Requirements for Admissions for Pathways College Programs
Degree Programs | Certificates (non-degree programs) | Dual Enrollment |
* Applicants with a GPA below a 2.0 may be admitted if the admissions committee judges there is sufficient evidence of potential to complete college studies. |
Consult with your counselor and select the appropriate Enrollment Agreement Form below |
Title IV Financial Aid Eligibility
- Certificate (non-degree programs) are not eligible for Title IV financial aid.
- Dual Enrollment courses are not eligible for Title IV financial aid.
- Pathways College has applied to participate in Title IV funding for Degree Programs. At this time, Pathways College does not offer Title IV federal financial aid for any course of study.
Incoming Transfer Credit
Pathways College accepts undergraduate credit from a variety of outside sources. Sources include DOE recognized accredited post-secondary institutions as well as non-U.S. institutions, based on Pathways College review of credit equivalency. See admissions information in the College Catalog. Pathways College may not accept transfer credits for remedial, precollege, or sectarian religious courses. If you plan to transfer credit from other institutions to Pathways College, you may request an evaluation of your previous credit and experience to determine whether Pathways College will accept transfer credit and how those credits may apply to a degree from Pathways College. Official transcripts are required for Pathways College to evaluate and award transfer credit. Transfer credit is granted only if it is applicable to your chosen program.
Transfer Credit Evaluation
An official transfer credit evaluation, summarizing prior college credit will be prepared by the Registrar for first-time Pathways College students. Generally, students will be granted credit for degree level courses successfully completed with earned grades of "C" or better or the equivalent. Credit is reviewed by the Registrar and is granted in compliance with applicable national, state, Title IV, and Pathways College policies and procedures. Such credit may be applied toward fulfillment of major or general education requirements when applicable; other courses may count as elective credit toward the baccalaureate degree. This credit will be listed in summary form on the Pathways College transcript of academic record.
Advanced Placement Examinations and International Baccalaureate
Pathways College grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of examinations of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Boards. Students who present scores of a three (3) or better will be granted from three to six semester college credits for each examination.
Prior Learning Assessment
Your success is our top priority at Pathways College. If you have previous corporate training, continuing education units, prior school credits, or other non-traditional sources of previous learning, they will be assessed for potential college credit. Any credits, training, prior employment, and other non traditional learning not accepted through the official evaluation through the Registrar’s Office will be reviewed through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). Students may earn credit through the PLA program by submitting the PLA Application to the Chief Academic Officer. The college will evaluate all PLA for companies or training entities at their request. You may be eligible to transfer up to 90 approved credits toward your bachelor’s degree. These credits include a combination of prior learning assessment (PLA) credits, non-traditional learning credits, and transfer credits. You may apply up to 30 PLA credits toward degree completion for your bachelor's degree program. The college will use standards set by CAEL and ACE to complete evaluations.
Sponsored Professional Training
Pathways College will upon request from companies or training entities will evaluate training courses and programs. Entities need to submit a course outline, clock hours and any certifications earned. Individuals may apply for prior learning can be assessed by providing documentation of training content, hours, and a summarization of learning outcomes and application to a Pathways course. In most cases, you will need to document what you've learned. Examples include: Standardized corporate trainings, Certificate programs, and Seminars
Credit by Examination
Pathways College grants credit based on the ACE recommended minimum score or higher for selected College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) General Examinations and Subject Examinations.
- CLEP Exam: College-Level Examination Program Exams CLEP exams are credit-byexamination tests administered by College Board, available to anyone who is seeking college credit outside the traditional classroom. Only designated institution score reports are accepted. The listing of exams does not guarantee acceptance of credit. Students are subject to the Regulations Governing Credit by Examination outlined in the catalog. Credit is awarded for the ACE recommended minimum score or higher.
- DSST Exam: (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) DSST exams are creditby-examination tests available to anyone who is seeking college credit outside the traditional classroom. Only designated institution score reports are accepted. Please review the policy regarding limitations of credit prior to taking any exam. The listing of exams does not guarantee acceptance of credit. Students are subject to the regulations governing credit by examination outlined in the catalog. Credit is awarded for the ACE recommended minimum score or higher.
If you intend to transfer exam credit that was awarded at another institution, you must have a transcript of those scores sent directly to Pathways College from the examining body. When those scores have been received, an advisor or a success coach will determine whether they meet the standards established at Pathways College for granting credit and how much credit may be awarded. Credit earned through examinations may be used to fulfill major, general education, or elective requirements, as applicable. Consult an admissions representative/advisor or a success coach for more information about credit by examination.
Credit from Military Institutions or Military Experience
Pathways College grants credit for military experience, military service occupations, and military training offered by the U.S. Armed Forces or military institutions on the basis of the recommendations by the American Council on Education (ACE) in its Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Pathways College generally accepts ACE recommendations for lower- and upper-level credit.
Transfer Credit from Overseas Institutions
Credit is granted from recognized overseas institutions. Awarding of advanced standing varies depending on the educational system of the country. Certified copies of transcripts and degrees must be submitted in English translation. Pathways College students planning to attend overseas institutions should check acceptance of credit prior to departure. Please contact the registrar for a list of translation services.
Limitations on the Transfer of Credit
You may be eligible to transfer up to 90 approved credits toward your bachelor’s degree. These credits include a combination of prior learning assessment (PLA) credits, non-traditional learning credits, and transfer credits. You may apply up to 30 PLA credits toward degree completion for your bachelor's degree program.
Transfer Grade Policies
Pathways College utilizes the following policies in evaluating grades earned in courses accepted for transfer. The grading policies of the accredited institution where credit was earned is honored by accepting at face value all official transcript entries including those:
- reflecting academic renewal efforts,
- reflecting acceptance of grade point remediation for repeated courses, and regarding "incomplete" grades (e.g., IS, and IU).
- all transfer courses graded Pass/No Pass or Credit/No Credit are computed at neutral value, except in those cases where the specific grading symbol is identified by the source institution as equivalent to a grade less than C in which case it will be taken at face value.
- all transfer course grades, or symbols used to designate unsatisfactory, failing, or nonpassing work at time of withdrawal such as UW, WU or WF are evaluated as failing grades (F) unless otherwise defined by the source institution.
Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at our Institution
The transfer ability of credits you earn at Pathways College is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree or certificate you earn in the education program is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the degree or certificate that you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason, you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Pathways College to determine if your credits will transfer.