Pathways College Payment Plan Policy & Procedure

Payment Options 

Each term, students can either pay in full prior to starting their first course(s) or enroll in a payment plan.  Students can choose from the following payment options:

Semester Payment Plan  

Tuition for each semester is paid over 4 months.  Each semester there is a down payment of $250.00 per course.  The down payment is due on or before the first day of class.  The remaining payments begin the second week of class or by the 10th of each month.  The $250.00 down payment is nonrefundable.  

Please note the examples below are for 12 credits per semester.  Students can take up to 18 credits per semester.

For example:

Semester 12 credit hours x $206= $2,472/4 month (16 weeks) minus down payment $250.00 = $2,222.00/ 4 months = $555.50 per month or $148.00 per week. 

9 credit hours x $206. = $1,854/4 months (16 weeks) minus down payment $250.00 = $1604.00 = $401 per month or $106.93 per week. 

3 credit hours x $206.00 = $618 for 5-week class minus the down payment $250.00 = $368.00 single class or $93.00 per week.

Academic Year Payment Plan  

20% down, remainder due over 12 months.  

Example, 12 cr. Hours x $206.00 = $2,472 x 3 semesters = $7416 – $1483.20 (20%) = $5,932/12 mo. = $494.40 per month, $123.60 per week. First payment for the student would be $1606.80 (down payment of 20% plus first week of repayment)  

The signed Financial Plan and down payment is due on or before the first day of class.  

The remaining payments are due by the 10th of each month or by Monday of each week depending on your agreed upon Financial Plan.  Weekly payment plans begin the second week of class.  There is a $25 late fee for payments received after the due date or payments less than the full monthly installment amount.

If payment has not been made on the due date a notice will be sent to students in their online course room in Canvas and to the student’s Pathways College email.  The DOE (Director of Enrollment) or representative of Pathways College, Inc. (PCI) will reach out to students via phone and text to communicate outstanding balance.

If the payment reaches 3 days past due, the student will be placed on a registration hold and blocked from their course by the Registrar or PCI representative until payment has been made.  The DOE will continue to reach out to the students to assist in getting them back on track with their payments.  

Accepted Forms of Payment: 

  • PayPal portal in Campus Cafe
  • ACH payments 
  • Cashier’s Check to:
  • Made out to: Pathways College Inc.  
  • Please put your name in the memo section
  • Attention: Pathways College Accounting
  • 320 N Halstead St suite 210, Pasadena CA 91107

Student Information

Student Status(Required)
Applicant Legal Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Payment Options

Signature Agreement

MM slash DD slash YYYY
(if student is under the age 18)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.