The Online College Labor Market
Does having a college degree really make a difference?
Yes, yes it does!
Key Findings
1.Dominance of Online Job Postings for Graduates
Between 80-90% of job openings requiring at least a bachelor’s degree (BA) are now posted online. This reflects a shift in recruitment strategies, with companies leveraging online platforms to expand outreach beyond local labor markets.
2. High Demand for STEM and Managerial Roles
Managerial and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) roles represent over 60% of online job ads targeting college-educated workers. ○ The most in-demand individual occupations include software developers, sales representatives, registered nurses, and accountants. Specifically, software developers were the top-advertised role, with 125,000 postings in one quarter.
3. Mismatch in Workforce Representation
While STEM fields account for 28% of online job ads, these roles make up only 11% of overall employment. This suggests that companies are actively seeking more talent in these areas than is currently available in the workforce.
4. Healthcare and Advanced Degrees
Healthcare roles are another area of strong demand, particularly for positions requiring advanced degrees such as physicians, surgeons, and nurse practitioners. Organizations like the Cleveland Clinic and Hospital Corporation of America are among the top employers seeking talent online.
5. Variation by Industry and Education Level
Job ads for industries such as consulting, healthcare, and financial services heavily favor applicants with a bachelor’s degree or higher. However, blue-collar roles and positions requiring less education are underrepresented in online postings compared to their presence in the overall labor market.
The report emphasizes how online platforms have become an important recruiting college-educated professionals. However, this digital labor market has its biases, such as the overrepresentation of jobs requiring advanced education, which can create challenges for job seekers without a college degree. Pathways College offers A.A. and B.A. degrees completely online – great for working professionals looking to advance their career.
For more detailed insights, you can explore the full report from CEW on their website:
CEW Georgetown